Loan Rates

The following rates are accurate as of January 2025. All rates subject to change without notice.

Auto Loans 6.35% APR* Apply for an Auto Loan
Recreational Vehicle Loans 6.85% APR* Apply for an RV Loan
Boat Loans 6.85% APR* Apply for a Boat Loan
Motorcycle Loans 6.85% APR* Apply for a Motorcycle Loan
Home Loans
Contact us for rates. 
800.259.2471 Ext. 629
Apply for a Home Loan
Personal Loans 8.50% APR* Apply for a Personal Loan
VISA® Credit Cards 7.90% APR* Apply for a VISA Credit Card
*APR (Annual Percentage Rate) is available to borrowers who meet credit requirements. The "as low as" rate assumes excellent credit.
APR may vary based upon your credit history and term of loan. Rates are subject to change without notice.
No points on home loans. Primary residence only. Membership restrictions apply.